Eco Florist Sydney – Sustainable floristry for an environmentally friendly future

eco florist sydney
Flowers bring beauty, joy, and a touch of nature to our lives. However, the traditional floristry industry is not without its environmental impact. From pesticide use to excessive packaging and long-distance transportation, conventional flower production and distribution can have negative effects on the environment.
But fear not! There is a growing movement towards eco-friendly floristry, which promotes sustainable practices that are better for the planet.
In this article by our florists, we’ll explore some sustainable practices and tips for embracing eco-friendly floristry and creating a greener future.

Environmentally Friendly Florist Practices

Choose Locally Grown Flowers

One of the most significant steps you can take towards eco-friendly floristry is to prioritise locally grown flowers. Locally sourced flowers have a lower carbon footprint as they don’t require extensive transportation. By supporting local flower farmers, you also contribute to the local economy and promote sustainable agriculture practices. Look for florists and flower markets that offer locally grown options, and ask about their sourcing practices.

Embrace Seasonal Blooms

Another way to reduce the environmental impact of your floral arrangements is to embrace seasonal blooms. Seasonal flowers are naturally abundant, requiring less energy, water, and resources for their production. By choosing flowers that are in season, you not only support local farmers but also enjoy the beauty and freshness of flowers at their peak. Seasonal blooms also tend to be more cost-effective, making them a win-win choice.

Opt for Organic and Pesticide-Free Flowers

Conventional flower farming often involves the use of pesticides, which can be harmful to both the environment and human health. When selecting flowers for your arrangements, choose organic and pesticide-free options. Organic flowers are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, promoting healthier ecosystems and protecting the well-being of farmers and consumers alike. Look for certifications such as USDA Organic or labels indicating pesticide-free practices.

Reduce Floral Foam Usage

Floral foam, commonly used in floral arrangements to hold flowers in place, is a non-biodegradable material that contributes to environmental pollution. Instead of relying heavily on floral foam, explore alternative mechanics for your arrangements. Use reusable containers, chicken wire, or eco-friendly foam alternatives made from biodegradable materials. Not only will you reduce waste, but you’ll also promote sustainable practices within the floristry industry.

Recycle and Reuse

Embrace the concept of recycling and reusing in your floral designs. After an event or occasion, repurpose flowers by creating new arrangements or composting them. Many flowers can be dried and preserved for future use or transformed into potpourri and sachets. Explore creative ways to extend the lifespan of your flowers and reduce waste. Additionally, opt for sustainable packaging materials and encourage customers to recycle or reuse the packaging whenever possible.

Support Floral Preservation Techniques

Floral preservation techniques allow you to enjoy the beauty of flowers for an extended period without the need for constant replacements. Drying, pressing, or freeze-drying flowers can help preserve their natural beauty and reduce the demand for fresh-cut flowers. Consider incorporating preserved flowers in your designs or offering floral preservation services to your customers, promoting sustainable alternatives to traditional floral arrangements.

Educate and Inspire

Spread the word about eco-friendly floristry and the importance of sustainability in the floral industry. Educate your customers and community about the environmental impact of conventional floristry practices and share the benefits of choosing eco-friendly options. Use your blog, social media platforms, or workshops to raise awareness and inspire others to make sustainable choices. By working together, we can create a greener future for the floral industry.

Nature’s Favourite is an eco florist business located on Sydney’s North Shore

Eco-friendly floristry offers a path towards a more sustainable and greener future for the floral industry. By implementing sustainable practices such as choosing locally grown and seasonal blooms, opting for organic and pesticide-free flowers, reducing the usage of floral foam, recycling and reusing materials, supporting floral preservation techniques, and educating others, we can significantly reduce the environmental impact of floristry.

Working from a home-based studio on Sydney’s Upper North Shore (Waitara), florists Sandra and Norma are able to offer more affordable flower deliveries to our customers. Our local, same-day delivery is capped at $15.00 for suburbs on the Upper North ShoreHornsbyHills District and Castle Hill.

We deliver daily to Royal North Shore Hospital, the Sydney Adventist Hospital (the SAN), North Shore Private and Hornsby Hospital.


If you have questions or would like advice on choosing the perfect flowers for that someone special, don’t hesitate to contact our florists directly. We’re happy to help.